Thursday, July 7, 2011


I sit here resisting the urge to itch my sunburned stomach, knowing it will only make it that much worse. Although, getting to lay out in my green polka dot bikini with my new read Suite Francaise in hand and San Pellegrino with a hit of lemon and fresh mint on a table next to me was undoubtedly worth my current discomfort. 

With temperatures in the high 70s to low 80s these past few days, light and refreshing dinners have been in order. Last night I made spaghetti with pea pesto. Tonight was lemony shrimp salad with couscous. Making dinner for my family two nights in a row? Yeah, you heard right. Yummy shrimp, airy couscous,  sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes, green onion, and bright citrus flavor from the lemon and fresh basil all made for a lovely summery meal. 

Weather-permitting, Caroline and I have been taking Chynna for a walk every night after dinner, always in time to catch the sun setting over the islands and the Olympics. Often we sit for a few minutes to just take it all in. I especially enjoy breathing deep the scent of trees, ocean, and train tracks while watching the silhouettes of sailboats as they dock at the marina or fade into the horizon. It's peaceful and comforting, and it's home.

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