Sunday, May 27, 2012

In The Moment

Who ever died from following their impulses? Ok, dumb question. It would be best if you didn't answer that. But hey, I'm here to tell the tale! It's not one of crazy adventure, or anything remotely dangerous. On the other hand, let's be real about this. Braving Northgate during rush hour is totally ballsy, and so is eating saturated fats at an unholy hour. More on that later.

As has been noted in the past, I lack the go-get-em' spirit to make quick decisions. I want to make the best one, and it often results in second guessing myself. But no sir, not the past two days! Takin' chances! Doin' what I want, when I want! That sounds more selfish than anything, but shoot, I need to start somewhere, right?

A late night text to a friend for legal addictive stimulants ( and a chat the following afternoon? Check. Nevermind the dear girl managed to flush her car keys down the toilet. Hey, stuff happens!

I'm bored...I'm going to the mall! A minute thirty later I'm in the driver's seat and bumpin' to J.B. Impulse buy: citron dress for $22 (from Forever 21 of all places)? Check. 

"Let's watch something sappy and romantic, or something pretty tonight." 
"Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II it is." (Not romantic, not too pretty among the rubble of Hogwarts, but perhaps a tiny bit sappy in ending an era of wits and wizardry.)
Bourbon banana bread baked by Elisa in her sweet, retro kitchen? Check.

I really wasn't ready to end my day. 11:30 Dick's run. A Dick's Special, fries and a side of tartar? Check. Thunder thighs and a side of love handles? Check, check. 

Ok, so I'm lame and not very exciting. In other news, I'm slowly making progress in becoming a bit more spontaneous, except when I get in my PJs by dinnertime. That happens more than I'd care to admit. Comfort over cool factor, my friends.

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