Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Once You Go Brown...You Never Go Back

Everyone is always making the claim that some chocolate chip cookie recipe they found is the best. Well, I'm here to tell you that they're wrong, unless of course you have already happened to come across the very best chocolate chip cookies recipe, which I am about to divulge to you. 

Brown Butter.

It'll change your life folks, I can promise you that. If you're the kind of person who doesn't nearly start to melt at the intoxicating nutty aroma of hot fat bubbling and browning over the stove, filling every nook of your house with the scent of divinity, then I don't believe you deserve to be eating cookies in the first place. As for the rest of you, kindly put down your yellow bag of Nestle Toll House semisweet chips and follow me. I doubt you will ever return (dun-dun-dunnnnn).

For these cookies I followed the recipe exactly, well, almost. I let the dough sit in the fridge for 36 hours before baking. Why? Because the New York Times told me to. And besides the brown butter, I can assure you it made a huge difference in flavor. They not only had a richer color, but also a markedly more sophisticated caramel flavor with hints of toffee.

With a heavy heart I must inform you that I gave these gems away to my brother as a birthday present. But don't you worry your pretty little head about me! I had a generous spoonful of dough, and I couldn't have been more content, well, more or less. But who really needs an entire bowl of cookie dough anyway? Pshhh, not me. Anyway, it was a tough break indeed, but all is right in the world when the stomach of a boy is happy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

They must be made. I have a long history of indecision. It complicates my life, particularly when I am trying to order food. I live a relatively healthy lifestyle, and it manifests itself in my thought processes when trying to make decisions about food. I hate it when I decide to go for smart choices over what my heart is really after, because I usually always end up dissatisfied. That is not to say that I don't love nutritious foods and incorporate them into my life. In fact, a pear, endive, and walnut salad has been running through my thoughts all day, and I intend to conquer it promptly. 

To save myself from rambling, I will simply tell you that this weekend I successfully defeated my indecision (if only momentarily), and ended up with a very satisfied stomach and soul. They're pretty much the same thing, you know. A wonderfully enjoyable night spent over a meal with my family in celebration of my brother's birthday. I broke the chains of habit and ordered a burger. For the record, I hardly ever eat beef, but enjoyed my southwestern-inspired hunk of meat, savoring every spicy, charbroiled bite. 

This morning at breakfast, another victory (in the excellent company of my similarly indecisive friend, with the takeaway being satisfaction for both parties.). Bread pudding with a fruit compote of what I discerned to be blueberry, marionberry, tart dried cherries and spiced dark chocolate. A pretty pink box with the remains await to make for another splendid morning, despite the promise of cold and rain.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Silver Lining

I bought a plane ticket to San Diego. Three friends and I leave in 34 days. Hallelujah.