Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Defining a Childhood

"When you read a book as a child, it becomes a part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your whole life does." --Kathleen Kelly in You've Got Mail

Monday, September 19, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Immediately after watching E! Live From the Emmy Red Carpet I decided to bake double chocolate zucchini bread. It is the most divine, chocolatey, moist thing I've ever baked. Seriously. It's like eating cake in the shape of a bread tin. I'd imagine it tastes similar to the chocolate cake Brucey ravenously shovels into his mouth and onto his face in Matilda, only less sweet. I'd also imagine one would have a fairly good chance at reeling in a dashing fella or sweet young thang if you showed up at his or her door bearing this gift sent from the realm of Heaven. Scout's honor, if some cutie pie baked me this it would seal the deal for me. I'd first of all be super impressed, and then I'd find myself falling in love. Yeah, it's that good.

But back to the Emmys! It was almost like I had this intrinsic response to bake carbs after seeing the hoards of boney chests. This bread, like out of touch celebs, may parade as being a green vegetable, but it's obvious that it's decadent. No sir, the word zucchini certainly isn't masking the phrase double chocolate, especially with its deep brown color and molten melted chips inside. Go ahead, make this bread, like now! And look at some pretty dresses while you're at it :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Often my breakfast is rushed or doesn't happen at all. I'm bolting out the door to class or work, or just plain sleeping too late into the day to accurately call my first meal "breakfast". I gulp down a small mugful of grapenuts and blueberries, or grab a handful of almonds to pop in my mouth as I chop my legs like a tin soldier for maximal walking speed. This racing about causes me to appreciate slow, simple mornings like today, making me cheery and content.

There are no overhead lights on, just that which filters through an overcast sky and the kitchen windows. Dramatic commentary and cheering crowds are audible from the little TV that hides in the cupboard. Mom has her amethyst reading glasses on browsing an open newspaper, Caroline is still in her pajamas and scanning the comics, and I sit with them at the island. Dad is relaxing in a wingback chair by a window, paper propped up in front of him. He asks me if I want to take the quiz. I ask him what the topic is today, and he tells me it's science. I groan and say I'll fail it, but agree to take it anyway. Surprisingly, I know nearly all of them!

There is a basket of hot scones that lay safely nestled within cloth napkins. The coffee anxiously drips. I unwrap the basket to claim one of Dad's scones, cut open and steaming, and top it with sharp Greek yogurt (an easy fix when making Devonshire cream sounds like too much work) and ultra-sweet homemade blackberry jam. A barely perceptible grin flashes across my face in delight. I consciously choose to make it last as long as possible, savoring the different layers of flavor and texture with every bite. Ribbons of steam rise from a petite blue calico mug of black coffee with a splash of milk, resting in the top right region near my plate. I am comfortable. This is home. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cooking Kick

This summer in my kitchen at home has been a wonderful experience. Every meal has been a new adventure as I learn to use ingredients I've never cooked with, making meals I never thought I'd be up to snuff to even attempt. My taste buds have been excited in entirely new ways, but what has been most rewarding is the positive response from my family (essentially my guinea pigs, in the kindest sense). When I become a poor college student once again next week I will carry my newfound skills with me, refusing to let a tight budget reduce me to poor eating. I've been cooking up a little storm this week, and the following is a sample of what I've been up to. 

Oven roasted beets, balsamic vinegar, walnuts and orange infused cranberries. I love beets. Their earthy flavor is equivalent to the smell of rain. 

Ellie Krieger's chicken-zucchini alfredo. No heavy cream here! Just loads of sauteed zucchini, mounds of garlic and hardly any guilt.

Salmon with brown sugar and mustard glaze. Brown sugar, honey, Dijon mustard, soy sauce, olive oil & fresh ginger. Sweetness with a kick, and pairs nicely with a salad of peppery arugula.

Ellie Krieger's quinoa with garlic, pine nuts & raisins. I am not a fan of the texture of quinoa, so I used whole wheat cous cous instead and it was wonderful.

Late night roasted peach, dollop of Greek yogurt, sprinkle of cinnamon, drizzle of honey and a few almonds. 

For Dad: oatmeal raisin cookies from Smitten Kitchen. True to word these are thick and chewy, not to mention the ultimate in autumn comfort food. PS. I doubled the cinnamon mmmmm.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Glorious 39

If you don't want to watch Glorious 39 for its bizarre and twisted plot (including garages filled with hanging bags of euthanized pets), then by all means do watch it for the fashion! Although England is on the brink of war with Germany, the clothes, oh the clothes! They're beautiful. Oxford pumps, felt hats, leather gloves, high waist trousers, tie neck blouses, wraparound skirts, shapely silk dresses, the list goes on. I already own some of these staple pieces, and oh Lordy am I going to bring them back onto the college scene!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Musing

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Robert Frost

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Color My World

Some people struggle to incorporate color into their life. They are the ones who are insecure in their ability to make decisions. Their living room walls remain the same beige they were when the home was first purchased a decade ago. They live in fear of being too bold, of drawing too much unnecessary attention. I am not one of those people. If only I could cash in on the number of times I've heard, "You look so colorful today." You are what you feel, and surrounding myself with color never fails to lift the spirits.

Color, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is a phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables one to identify otherwise identical objects. As I came upon this definition I was, for lack of a better and less secularized philosophical word, enlightened. Otherwise identical objects. What an interesting idea that is! To recognize visual elements as distinguishable only based on color. Color here being the sole marker of individuality.

Heightened awareness of shades and hues are what initially capture our attention. This is of course based purely on personal preference. It could be the blue-gray eyes of the guy sitting next to you in lecture, or your pale yellow bath towels that aid in softly adjusting your eyes to the waking world. For me it's the holy quartet of chartreuse, turquoise, deep orange and peridot green. 

Be confident and herald the joys of your heart through color!